Pierre Seifert
Senior Executive Design Operations

Nice to meet you!

That's me

I’m always restless and looking for better product design solutions.

I am convinced that best solutions are the result of a well-coordinated team. To gain higher levels, I love to be a lateral thinker in order to find better solutions.

I consider myself a committed team player with a lot of passion for the company and it's products. Of course, I have professional knowledge of design thinking processes, user centred design and common UX/UI software such as Sketch, Figma, Adobe Creative Suite or InVision. Agile development methods like Scrum as well as working in cross-functional, international teams are part of my everyday life. Through my many years of work as a design team manager, I also have professional experience in managing employees and teams. German is my mother tongue and I am fluent in English.

Before I took the opportunity of Design Operations I was Digital Product Design team lead and and took responsibility on many solutions and improvements, UI design, as well as new digital product features. You can find a small overview of the digital products in my area of responsibility in my portfolio. If you have questions or want to know more about me and my work, please don't hesitate to contact me.

When I am not pushing pixels or thinking about improvements, I spend my time with my wife and my son. I love to ski and snowboard or to ride bicycle or motorbike. Also inline skating and hiking are among my passions. And I like to travel the world, too.

Pierre Seifert

Design thinking

This is how I love to approach the (not always) little daily adventures of digital design.

At best, the problem at the beginning is defined with a team of several people. It is important to create a general understanding and bring everyone involved on the same page. Specific questions can be, for example: What should be developed? Who should the development be relevant for? Which essential (current or future) framework conditions must be taken into account? What end state should the solution achieve?


What is the problem? Define the challenge and explore the human context.

Design thinking is an approach to solve problems and develop new ideas. The aim is to find solutions that are, on the one hand, convincing from the user's perspective and, on the other hand, market and product-oriented.


Why is this important? Research, observe, understand and create a point of view.

It's about being able to put yourself in the customer's shoes. An analysis of customer wishes is possible, for example, through an interview or role play. It is important to let the customer speak. Listening and observing well is the most crucial part of the work, otherwise misunderstandings can arise. The customer's wishes always come first. Combining the results of research and observe to create personas and to define the point of view.


Brainstorm ideas good and bad. Don't stop at the obvious.

I love to start with a general brainstorming session in which all ideas, no matter how crazy or utopian, are brought together. The results are structured and sorted according to priorities. Questions about the efficiency, feasibility or cost-effectiveness of the individual ideas are now becoming important.. In addition, it's always worth taking a look at the competition, global players with similar products and innovative newcomers and to take these inspirations into account, too.


How do we create it? Experiment, fall cheap and fast.

A prototype is created for illustrative purposes. The simpler it is, the better. Creativity is allowed to run wild. Techniques used in prototyping include wireframes, post-its, role plays, storyboards or click dummies. The prototype is tailored to the needs of the customer. It is important that the person can imagine the solution to their problem based on the prototype. Depending on the task, perfection and complexity can range from very simple to pixel perfection. But again: Keep it as simple as possible.


Does it work? Gather users feedback. measure and monitor key figures.

Finally, what has been developed must be tested. Feedback plays an important role here. Flexibility is also required. If an idea doesn't work, it can be discarded. Customers are closely monitored during tests with the prototypes. Based on their reaction, further ideas and improvements are developed. Design thinkers are also open to new suggestions in this step. If a defect is found during testing, it is eliminated and the steps are repeated with the improved or new prototype. It is quite common for new products to have several test phases until the customer is satisfied and the product fulfils the defined tasks.


If something is missing: I'm a fast learner.

Design thinking
User centered design
Wireframing / scribbles / prototyping
Sketch / Figma / Adobe XD
Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Office
JavaScript / jQuery
Content management systems (Typo3, Joomla etc.)
Personnel management / team lead
Project management


mother tongue

You can contact me in any of them.


A small selection of my recent work.

SIXT rent a car

Redesign of the entire Sixt rent a car homepage including the booking process, rollout to all worldwide domains. Since then, my team and I were involved in extensive site testing for further improvement of conversion rates.

Screendesign finished in 2017 - ongoing improvement and optimisation


SIXT rent a car Switzerland

The next evolution of SIXT rent a car. For Switzerland we created a complete new homepage design in order to have a modern, fresh looking homepage which reacts responsive to any device. This work isn’t done yet, there are several tests and updates planed to improve appearance and usability. 

Screendesign done in 2015, still in progress 


SIXT Leasing

The Sixt Leasing website is the leasing portal for B2B and B2C customers as well as for fleet managers. Aim is to show the portfolio and benefits of Sixt leasing. My team and I created a complete new and responisve webdesign from sketch.

Screendesign finished in 2014 


SIXT Firmenkunden

The Sixt Firmenkunden website is the rent a car portal for B2B customers as well as for fleet managers. Aim is to generate leads and to show benefits for Sixt B2C sutomers. My team and I created a complete new and responisve webdesign from sketch.

Screendesign finished in 2015 


SIXT rent a car USA

A kind of playground for a different homepage design. By decision of the members of the board we changed the appearance of the USA homepage in close co-operation of product management, country managers, conversion optimization department and webdesign. Goal was to test US market customized web designs including other content elements. Different variants were tested and the most successful were adopted in production.

Screendesign finished in 2013 


SIXT rent a car landingpage for french TV-campaign

A responsive landingpage showing the TV-campaign video in the background and associated offers. This landingpage was designed as well as produced by my webdesign department.

Screendesign and prototyping finished in 2015 


Landingpage for the SIXT rent a car mobile app 

A responsive landingpage for the “win a apple watch” campaign. This landingpage was designed as well as produced by my webdesign department.

Screendesign and prototyping finished in 2015 

Visit the landingpage

Landingpage for a SIXT rent a car USA campaign

A responsive landingpage for the “Guten Tag America” campaign. This landingpage was designed as well as produced by my webdesign department.

Screendesign and prototyping finished in 2015 

Visit the landingpage

Sixt car sales

The SIXT portal for selling used cars. My department has created a complete new and responsive design for all pages in order to higher usability and conversion rates – with success.

Screendesign finished in 2014 


Sixt limousine service

A Sixt limousine and chauffeur service. My department has created a complete new design for all pages including a all-new booking funnel in order to higher usability and conversion rates – with success.

Screendesign finished in 2011 


Sixt luxury cars

A  very special Sixt service for exclusive limousines, SUVs and sports cars. My department is updating the entire page regulary. Currently we are working on some design updates.

Screendesign finished in 2009 

SIXT rent a car
SIXT rent a car
SIXT B2B Vans & Trucks
SIXT P100 Design System
SIXT Car Sales

Get in touch

You can contact me on LinkedInXing or just by sending an e-mail. I’m looking forward to your message.
