SIXT rent a car

The Rent a car website and mobile app is the most important project within the SIXT company. This is where most of the companies revenue is generated and it's also the most popular SIXT product. The website is hosted on more than 50 different domains and available in over 100 countries worldwide. It's a huge challenge to be aware of special requirements of the different markets as well as to provide the best-in-class online experience.

Cross Device Appearance

Together with an agency and many designers we have been responsible for design and UX used across the page. We created a brand new design system following the also new brand guidelines and insure it's consequent usage and consistent implementation. To improve the page we are conducting user surveys and tests as well as are collaborating very close with various stakeholders from different SIXT departments.

Booking funnel overview

Since 2009 I'm the design and UX lead for the rent a car websites and from 2012 to 2019 I was supervising the team of UX/UI experts and visual designers. Since 2020 I'm responsible for UX operations and therefore drive and support our design teams, engineers, external agencies and freelancers.

An ongoing evolution

I'm working on the Sixt rent a car webpage since 2008 and released many improvements, new features and 7 comprehensive relaunches. The last design and UX update startet in 2022 with the redesign of the entire Sixt rent a car homepage including the booking funnel and the rollout to all worldwide domains in 2023.

Evolution of the SIXT

Other projects

SIXT rent a car

Redesign of the entire Sixt rent a car homepage including the booking process, rollout to all worldwide domains. Since then, my team and I were involved in extensive site testing for further improvement of conversion rates.

Screendesign finished in 2017 - ongoing improvement and optimisation

SIXT rent a car Switzerland

The next evolution of SIXT rent a car. For Switzerland we created a complete new homepage design in order to have a modern, fresh looking homepage which reacts responsive to any device. This work isn’t done yet, there are several tests and updates planed to improve appearance and usability. 

Screendesign done in 2015, still in progress

SIXT Leasing

The Sixt Leasing website is the leasing portal for B2B and B2C customers as well as for fleet managers. Aim is to show the portfolio and benefits of Sixt leasing. My team and I created a complete new and responisve webdesign from sketch.

Screendesign finished in 2014

SIXT Firmenkunden

The Sixt Firmenkunden website is the rent a car portal for B2B customers as well as for fleet managers. Aim is to generate leads and to show benefits for Sixt B2C sutomers. My team and I created a complete new and responisve webdesign from sketch.

Screendesign finished in 2015

SIXT rent a car USA

A kind of playground for a different homepage design. By decision of the members of the board we changed the appearance of the USA homepage in close co-operation of product management, country managers, conversion optimization department and webdesign. Goal was to test US market customized web designs including other content elements. Different variants were tested and the most successful were adopted in production.

Screendesign finished in 2013

SIXT rent a car landingpage for french TV-campaign

A responsive landingpage showing the TV-campaign video in the background and associated offers. This landingpage was designed as well as produced by my webdesign department.

Screendesign and prototyping finished in 2015

Landingpage for the SIXT rent a car mobile app 

A responsive landingpage for the “win a apple watch” campaign. This landingpage was designed as well as produced by my webdesign department.

Screendesign and prototyping finished in 2015 

Visit the landingpage

Landingpage for a SIXT rent a car USA campaign

A responsive landingpage for the “Guten Tag America” campaign. This landingpage was designed as well as produced by my webdesign department.

Screendesign and prototyping finished in 2015 

Visit the landingpage

Sixt car sales

The SIXT portal for selling used cars. My department has created a complete new and responsive design for all pages in order to higher usability and conversion rates – with success.

Screendesign finished in 2014

Sixt limousine service

A Sixt limousine and chauffeur service. My department has created a complete new design for all pages including a all-new booking funnel in order to higher usability and conversion rates – with success.

Screendesign finished in 2011

Sixt luxury cars

A  very special Sixt service for exclusive limousines, SUVs and sports cars. My department is updating the entire page regulary. Currently we are working on some design updates.

Screendesign finished in 2009
SIXT rent a car
SIXT B2B Vans & Trucks
SIXT P100 Design System
SIXT Car Sales

Get in touch

You can contact me on LinkedInXing or just by sending an e-mail. I’m looking forward to your message.