The design system represents repetitive design decisions applied to the product's interface. SIXT's design system for customer-facing products is called P100.
We grouped design decisions under two sets: Foundations and Components. Foundations frame the basics of P100, such as colors, typography, layout, and other fundamental design details. Components hold ready-to-use UI elements like buttons, chips, dialogs, etc. Additionally, there is a distinct set of assets that are closely associated with the Brand to find guidelines on SIXT product logos, vehicle images, and other relevant information.
My role in this project was research, conception, creating foundations and components as well as the documentation using Zeroheight. In order to make it as easy as possible for the designers to use and for the engineers to implement it without any problems, very well-functioning collaboration and close coordination is necessary. Although this communication has been very successful so far, it was and still is one of the biggest challenges in this project.
It is in the nature of a design system to never be completely finished. This is how SIXT's P100 will continue to develop and grow.
The SIXT B2B Fleet portal offers many digital tools to help fleet managers optimising their fleet by enabling them to easily maximise the utilisation of rental vehicles, manage drivers, keep an overview on damages as well as to review invoices and payments. The also available B2B Van Sharing solution pushes the performance to the next level by creating a own digital fleet on their company premises using SIXT vehicles with telematic functionalities.
My role in this project is the entire, cross-device UX/UI. A lot of research and user feedback is required to make the usage of the portal as simple and time-saving as possible but to provide a very wide range of data and functions as well as to provide company specific customised solutions. SIXT portal for selling used cars. My team has created a complete new and responsive design for all pages in order to improve usability and conversion rates – with success.
My role in this project was supervision of the entire UX process and the final UI creation to ensure quality, goal achievement and meeting the deadline as well as consultation to give inputs and critics. We rethought the entire page and it's UX as well as all UI elements and visuals. Goal was to create an easy to use responsive and modern looking page. To achieve the goals as best as possible we started with blank pages and created the entire page new from sketch, but without loosing sight of old page's analysis data, previous testing results and user feedback.
Screendesign finished in 2017 - ongoing optimisation and extension of features. 2009 I was the design and UX lead for the rent a car websites and from 2012 team lead for UX/UI. Since 2020 I'm responsible for UX operations.